Thursday 3 December 2015


Overall I think this project has helped me to grow as a hair stylist. It has taught me new skills and gave me opportunity to work on different hair types with designs from other people. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me try different techniques and work from a brief. I have also become more confident with hair and learnt to enjoy it as I didn’t particularly enjoy hair before the project. 
I think I have gained the ability to work from someone else’s design and how to communicate well to be able to meet their expectations. In the future I now understand which questions should be asked to enable a successful partnership between the designer and stylist.
Having said that I struggled with telling my partner when she was doing something not to the standard I wanted it to be, but after working with her a couple of times I was able to be honest and give her constructive criticism. 
Unfortunately I didn’t attend every single lesson because of personal reasons but I found it really easy to be able to catch up and do independent study at home as I have done a hair course before starting at Solent. 

I feel my final design translated well and you were able to see the Contemporary and Elizabethan parts of the hair. I like the fact I used a variety of techniques and I am excited to see how my work improves in the upcoming years. 

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