Tuesday 6 October 2015


Spiral curls 

 To create the spiral curls you have to section the hair into small parts and then use the tong upwards for every curl, you then grip the roll into place. I tried to do each curl that was next to each other roll the opposite way so once the hair was down it wouldn't all be curled one way. This creates a lovely spiral curl which looks really glamorous. This would be great to use for the Elizabethan hairstyles where she has a few strands at the back coming down which are curled. Next time I would maybe section my pieces smaller to create more curls and leave the tong on the hair a little longer to make sure they all have a nice tight curl.

Barrel curls

This curl is designed to give lift to the hair, starting from the bottom of the hair you take small sections and use the tong on its side. You then pin the curl in place, creating a barrel shape. After we had been taught this technique we were taught how to do it in a brickwork shape which would make the curls a lot neater and give the hair even more of a lift once the curls were took out. It is names brickwork as you form the curls in a brickwork pattern. Once these curls have been let out the volume they give is really good, you don't need any back comb at all.

Comparing the two curls 
As you can see from the picture the barrel curls are much more neater when pinned up. Once the hair is let down you can tell a few notable differences such as the length of the hair, because the barrel curls add volume they actually make the hair much more shorter and the curls tend to stay together and are not as 'pretty' looking as the spiral curls. The spiral curls look lovely around the face and frame it really well, although they don't add much volume, making the curls in different directions works really well to create that finished look where as the barrel curls would have to be made to look better once taken out. 

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