Sunday 4 October 2015


I think the Elizabethan era is definitely one of the era's you remember most for the hair. When researching in the past about Elizabethan hair I remember loving how intricate and detailed the styles were. Embellished with jewels and pearls and even feathers. The colour was also an important factor of the era, the colour symbolized beauty and royalty therefore every women wanted the gorgeous red locks.

The shape was also important, the hair was to look clean and structured. Mostly always in a heart shape or rounded shape and styled to be large and dramatic. They also used plaits and curls to make the hairstyles more intricate, usually the hair was made frizzy and curled to give it texture making it easier to be styled.

'Elizabethan Hair Styles for the court were led by Queen Elizabeth. Upper class fashion, which included hairstyles, was highly elaborate - and necessary to achieve attention and success at court. It was referred to as the Peacock age as the Upper class Elizabethan men were often more elaborately dressed than the women and their hair and beards received a similar amount of attention!'

The hairstyles were made to compliment the fashion of the times, they wore huge neck collars and ruffs that framed their face therefore women wore their hair swept off the face so that it wouldn't interrupt with the clothing. The front and sides of the hair received the most attention as this was the part that was seen the most, the rest of the hair was usually twisted into a bun and embellished with jewels. All Elizabethan women tried to keep their hair as long as possible, the long hair was displayed mostly by the younger women. When a women wore their hair down and flowing it was a sign they were a virgin and it was the preferred hairstyle for a bride on her wedding day so that she looked natural and pure. They would also adorn it with flowers. 

Men were also really particular about their hair in Elizabethan times, they were so conscious about their facial hair they made sure it was shaped and cut on a more than regular bases. 

'The beards could be cut pointed, square, round, oblong, or T-shaped. In the daytime men brushed the beard to keep it in tip-top shape, and at night they often encased the beard in a special wooden press. Beards were considered to be attractive.'

So much like now beards were a popular and desired style and alot of men had them. I also found it interesting that men would also dye
their hair the red colour that the women liked. They also had a few most popular hairstyles including the 'love locks' that were spiral curls created with hot irons down to the shoulders. Also as soon as the men turned bald they would always wear a wig, normally of a yellow or white colour. It seems like the men were actually quite feminine and liked to take care of themselves as much as the women of the era did. 

I am excited to learn more about the hair in tudor times and learn all the different techniques that will create such beautiful detailed designs. 

Elizabethan Hairstyles-

Hairstyles in Elizabethan Era-

Jean Keyes, 1967, A History of Women's Hairstyles 1500-1965, London, Methuen & Co

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