Tuesday 6 October 2015


In Elizabethan times padding was used to create the extreme hairstyles and height that you can see in the portraits. It helped to create the round and heart shapes to the head and was then covered with hair to hide the padding. It also meant you didn't need a lot of hair to be able to create the huge hairstyles, which was a good thing back then as the hair was really damaged from the bleaching and products they used. 

Padding is still used now mainly for avant garde shoots and theatre, it isn't used much in everyday situations but more for dramatic hairstyles. The only form of padding that is used in everyday situations is a bun ring, people will use this to create the perfect bun shape and they are really popular in the dance industry. I find it interesting that padding is still used to this day and been used to create the most unusual, crazy hairstyles.

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